Set in the heart of Yorkshire, Vale Ecology are an independent ecological consultancy supporting the development process
Set in the heart of Yorkshire, Vale Ecology are an independent ecological consultancy supporting the development process
Vale Ecology - Bat Surveys - Biodiversity Net Gain - York
Our Mission
Our focus is on providing a prompt, cost-effective and personal service which delivers pragmatic and innovative solutions.
We operate throughout Yorkshire and the surrounding counties, on projects varying in scale and complexity, from independent barn conversions to large scale commercial or residential developments.
Our Services
We offer a wide range of services including Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments, Bat Surveys and Great Crested Newt Surveys.
Thomas McQuillan (BSc Hons) is the Principal Ecologist and a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management with over 15 years experience in professional ecological consultancy.
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal PEA
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal PEA
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal PEA
We have extensive experience in completing Preliminary Ecological Appraisals to support planning applications for all types of development. A PEA includes a site visit and desktop study providing an initial assessment of the potential ecological constraints associated with a proposed development. The findings of the PEA are presented in a
We have extensive experience in completing Preliminary Ecological Appraisals to support planning applications for all types of development. A PEA includes a site visit and desktop study providing an initial assessment of the potential ecological constraints associated with a proposed development. The findings of the PEA are presented in a detailed report with clear and concise data presentation and conclusions.
This assessment will determine the requirement for further species-specific surveys and will identify potential opportunities for biodiversity net gain.
Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal PEA
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal PEA
We are trained and competent in using the DEFRA Metric and Small Sites Metric to calculate if a project is likely to result in a loss or gain in biodiversity.
The Biodiversity Net Gain assessment will include a site visit to record the pre-development habitats using the UK Habitat Classification, followed by an assessment of the post-de
We are trained and competent in using the DEFRA Metric and Small Sites Metric to calculate if a project is likely to result in a loss or gain in biodiversity.
The Biodiversity Net Gain assessment will include a site visit to record the pre-development habitats using the UK Habitat Classification, followed by an assessment of the post-development habitats using a landscape plan to determine the Total Unit Change via the Metric Tool. If the landscape plan has not been finalised or if a scheme is not likely to meet +10% BNG requirement we can advise the design team on pragmatic options for delivering an increase in post-development biodiversity units. The creation or enhancement of on-site and off-site habitats and associated long-term management plans can also be considered.
Bat Surveys
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal PEA
Great Crested Newt Surveys
All surveys are completed in accordance with industry standard best practice guidelines
(Bat Conservation Trust, 2023)
Surveys undertaken include;
Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment of buildings and trees
Dusk Emergence and Dawn Re-Entry Bat Surveys
Bat Activity Surveys – including transect and static monitoring surveys
Non-Licensed Method Statements
European Protected Species Mitigation Licences
Great Crested Newt Surveys
Great Crested Newt Surveys
Great Crested Newt Surveys
Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) assessments, presence / absence surveys and population size class assessments using a variety of survey methods including aquatic funnel trap, torching, netting, egg searches, terrestrial refuge searches and environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys.
We also hold a Natural England licence to use the box-trap (Dewsbu
Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) assessments, presence / absence surveys and population size class assessments using a variety of survey methods including aquatic funnel trap, torching, netting, egg searches, terrestrial refuge searches and environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys.
We also hold a Natural England licence to use the box-trap (Dewsbury Trap) survey method.
Using data collected from the Great Crested Newt surveys we can undertake impact assessments based on the proposed development.
Prepare and successfully attain European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM ) licences and applications via the District Level Licence process.
Bird Surveys
Great Crested Newt Surveys
Other Protected Species
Nesting Bird Checks
Breeding and Wintering Bird Surveys
Other Protected Species
Great Crested Newt Surveys
Other Protected Species
Water Vole Surveys
Otter Surveys
Badger Surveys
Reptile Surveys
White Clawed Crayfish
In additional to providing species-specific surveys to determine presence / absence we can undertake necessary impact assessment and produce mitigation and compensation strategies as required.
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
We have extensive experience in acting in the role of Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) on a range of small to large scale residential, renewable and commercial development projects to ensure adherence to both UK legislation and project specific environmental management plans.
Thomas McQuillan (BSc Hons) is the Principal Ecologist and a Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management.
With over 15 years experience in professional ecological consultancy, Thomas undertakes ecological appraisals, impact assessments and provides technical advice on ecological constraints and opportunities. This includes protected species and Biodiversity Net Gain assessments. Thomas designs and implements proportionate mitigation, compensation and enhancement on a range of developments of varying scale and complexity.
With an excellent understanding of the legislation and planning policy relating to the natural environment, Thomas is well versed on its practical application to support clients and facilitate development.
Thomas holds a Natural England Class 2 (CL18) bat survey license and has held over 50 EPSM licenses for a range of bat species and roost types and is an accredited consultant on the Bat Earned Recognition programme.
Thomas holds a Natural England Class 2 (CL09) survey licence for Great Crested Newts and has been the Named Ecologist on EPSM licenses for Great Crested Newts. A box trap survey licence (A29) for Great Crested Newts is also held.
Thomas has held development licenses for Roman snails, has been a named accredited agent on badger licenses, is First Aid trained and holds a valid CSCS card.
Contact Us
Vale Ecology Ltd
3 Laurel Close, Earswick, York, YO32 9FW, United Kingdom
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